Beet & Blood Orange Spice Smoothie Recipe | The First Mess (2024)

Beet and blood orange spice smoothie is a great Winter refresher that’s tasty and filling. Perfect for a healthy breakfast or hearty snack.

Beet & Blood Orange Spice Smoothie Recipe | The First Mess (1)

The polar vortex is over! This week made me seriously stir crazy. The upside to being stuck in the house though? Lots of time to cook and dream up new recipes for you all. Got some good ones lined up!

Hope you’re all set for a nice weekend, whatever you’re up to. I think we’re making pizza for Super Bowl Sunday and also planning on taking our dogs for an extra long walk to make up for the lack of exercise this week. It’s tough when it gets this cold! Both dogs can’t stand wearing booties, but also their legs stop working after about 5 minutes outside in sub-zero temperatures. You can only play so many games of hide and seek before they figure out all the treat hiding spots lol.

So happy to leave you with this deep pink smoothie and some links to check out. I love a good beet-based smoothie and this one is perfect for winter with the tart blood orange and warm spices. It’s a lovely base for all kinds of custom add-ins too. More beet smoothie love in the form of a berry beet velvet smoothie and a hot pink beet smoothie from my book. Enjoy!

-A singular tree that grows 40 types of stone fruit?!

-The EU wants to ban the source causes of microplastic pollutants and stop the “spread to Earth’speaks,depths,the Arcticandhuman bodies, where their health impacts are not yet fully understood.”

Creating pantry space in small kitchens. This is the exact thing that I need help with right now. I store a lot of things that can be kept at room temperature in my fridge because I simply do not have the space otherwise.

Ways to wake up with more joy.

-If you’re an omnivore that cares about animal welfare in agricultural operations, this thorough breakdown of terms like “pasture-raised,” “natural,” and more will be helpful the next time you find yourself at the supermarket.

-I’ve loved Garance Doré and her work for a long time. I think her’s was the first blog that I actually followed and cared about. Anyway, I still follow everything that she does and loved this response to a reader on how she takes care of her mental health.

-I love my early morning warm lemon water. I drink it every day without fail because hydration is key and it just feels nice first thing in the am. There are A LOT of willy-nilly health claims thrown around about this super simple beverage though. This piece investigates with not-so surprising results.

-I feel so much release and validation just reading this title: “Sheet Masks Are Gross.”

-Just a piglet drinking some milk :)

Beet & Blood Orange Spice Smoothie Recipe | The First Mess (2)

Beet and Blood Orange Spice Smoothie

Beet and blood orange spice smoothie is a great Winter refresher that's tasty and filling. Perfect for a healthy breakfast or hearty snack.

Beet & Blood Orange Spice Smoothie Recipe | The First Mess (3)

Print Recipe

Prep Time: 5 minutes mins

Total Time: 5 minutes mins

Servings 1


  • 1 cup non-dairy milk
  • 1 medium beet, peeled and diced (see notes)
  • 1 small blood orange, peeled and torn into segments (see notes about freezing)
  • ½ ripe banana, preferably frozen
  • 1 tablespoon almond butter
  • ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • ¼ teaspoon ground cardamom
  • teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • ¼ teaspoon sea salt
  • big squeeze of lemon juice
  • ice (optional)



  • Only use a raw beet if you have a high speed blender like a Vitamix.
  • I love freezing my segments of citrus for smoothies because it adds to the frothy texture.
  • Other add-ins that are great for rounding this smoothie out nutritionally: 1 teaspoon of flax/chia seeds, a big handful of mild greens like baby spinach, or a scoop of vegan protein powder.


  • In an upright blender, combine the non-dairy milk, diced beet, blood orange, banana, almond butter, cinnamon, cardamom, nutmeg, salt, lemon juice, and ice (if using). Bring the speed up to high and blend until completely smooth. Enjoy the beet and blood orange spice smoothie immediately.

Author: Laura Wright

Course: Beverage, Breakfast, Drinks, Snack

Cuisine: Dairy-free, Gluten-Free, Grain-Free, Oil-Free, Paleo, Plant-Based, Special Diets, Sugar-Free, Vegan

Diet: Gluten Free, Vegan, Vegetarian

Keyword: all seasons, almond butter, banana, beets, blood oranges, cardamom, cinnamon, fall, fall winter, lemon, non-dairy milk, nutmeg, smoothie

02/02/2019 (Last Updated 25/10/2022)

Posted in: autumn, beverage, breakfast, creamy, earthy, gluten free, grain-free, oil free, quick, raw, refined sugar-free, snack, spring, summer, sweet, vegan, winter


  • Cecelia

    If I don’t have a high-speed blender, how should I prepare the beet? Looks beautiful!


    • Laura

      Hi Cecelia,
      I would recommend cooking the beet first (either boiling or roasting) until it’s soft. At that point, it will blend up really nice in any type of blender.


  • Cassie Autumn Tran

    I love the links you shared! Waking up to joy and a tree that grows 40 types of stone fruit–those are fascinating to read about! Excuse me while I read up and make this smoothie!


  • cassie

    made this and included the spinach, flax and chia and it was sooooo delicious. definitely best with coconut milk. had it at room temperature because it’s cold where i am. seriously perfect winter smoothie. i freaking love your flavor combos.


  • Julie Malone

    Beautiful smoothie! My white counters are QUIVERING as I think about making this, ha!
    Also… microplastics. All the plastics(!) are stressing me out a lot lately. Once you start to notice them, they’re everywhere. Acrylic fibers, stupid plastic woven produce bags (looking at you, TJ’s), and… glitter. :(


  • Gaby

    This was one of the most interesting tasting smoothies I’ve ever had! I made it as directed but added frozen zucchini instead of ice cubes. I never would have put this together. Great idea!


  • Devon

    Just made this and LOVE it! I added pomegranate and a pinch of ground cloves. I got a produce box with tons of beets in it, and this was a great way to put some to use. I’ll definitely be making this again :).


  • Elizabeth

    This smoothie looks beautiful and sounds amazing for a cold winter day. I”m still loving each and every happy hour post. There are always multiple links that I’m so glad to read and that little piglet drinking milk has my heart feeling like it will burst right out of my chest from love. Grateful for all you bring to this space. Enjoy your weekend!


  • Hallie Lauren Sharpless

    This color is stunning! I can’t wait to try this combination, I’d never thought about adding AB to a citrus smoothie but it sounds so heavenly with the banana!


Beet & Blood Orange Spice Smoothie Recipe | The First Mess (2024)


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