Rice With Poached Eggs Recipe (2024)



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Charles Michener

Very tasty recipe, but poaching instructions are terrible. Very fresh, eggs will hold together in the poaching water. Older ones will spread out, making a mess. A trick from Julia Child: pour boiling water over eggs and let them coddle for 10-20 seconds. Crack each one into a measuring cup and slip gently into simmering, salted, vinegar-added water. Turn heat down to lowest setting, cover pan, and in 2 minutes and 30-40 seconds, you'll have perfectly poached eggs.


I made this on Monday using only 1 cup of rice; I took your advice and added golden and dark raisins, pine nuts and almonds. This really made the dish. I used Aleppo pepper in the melted butter; poached my eggs 3 minutes in a poacher - perfect.

This made enough that we are having it again tonight. My usually picky husband loves this. Serve with warm Naan bread.


Most of the recipes in this collection (In Praise of Runny Eggs) use poached eggs. I have rarely made decent ones, in spite of instructions from cookbooks and online, until I learned to do them in the microwave: Crack egg into a microwave-safe dish, add a little water, cover with a paper towel and cook at High for about 30 seconds. The white will solidify a bit more after you remove it from the microwave, or give it a FEW seconds more. If you do more than one egg, it will take more time.


I use an egg poacher with non-stick cups & a glass lid. You can see when the whites are set. It's foolproof and very cheap on Amazon.

Also, this is nice served with Naan bread.

Beth Gahbler

Excellent! It could be varied in many ways. One could add raisins and many types of nuts: pine nuts, pistachios, almonds or walnuts...
Was short on time, so I made the rice as directed in Step 1, then turned the oven off after 20 minutes when I had to leave the house. I returned two hours later, the rice was perfect, and all I had to do was poach the eggs.
Couldn't have been easier or tastier.

takes me back . . .

. . . To my peace corps days in the Philippines. I ran a research group in a university. The student canteen served a low cost breakfast for students consisting of yesterday's leftover rice, fried with garlic and onions. Served up with a perfectly wok fried egg on top. All for the peso equivalent of 24 cents. I still treat myself to that tasty and filling dish from time to time.


Another way I've seen it, if you don't own a microwave like myself, is using an egg tied into saran wrap. Apply saran wrap into a small bowl (you'll need an extra bit around the edge to tie). Spray cooking spray all over the wrap, crack the egg into it. Bring up the edges of the wrap and tie it. Submerge in boiling water for 3-4 minutes to your preference. Take it out with tongs (or if you live dangerously drape it over the edge) cut off the tail and flip out the egg! voila!

Mary Mumford

I like this poaching method, but 10 minutes is way too long, even at high altitude - 6 minutes at most.


tried as written but.... this was so bland at first. used chicken stock instead of water, had to add fish sauce, butter (sniped the drizzle), a drizzle of vinegar to save it at all. it's nice enough now, but doesn't bear repeating.BUT -- thank you to Charles for sharing that Julia Child poached egg method. I've never made a perfect poached egg until today. While I will never make this again -- the method of cooking rice is SO smart + will be repeated with entirely different additives.


The rice was certainly not cooked at 25 minutes and it made me hangry. Now, after cooking for an extra 15 minutes I can begrudgingly admit it is very tasty.

and cay

This is not how you poach eggs. They turned out essentially as a hardboiled egg that you don’t have to shell. Potentially useful but not what I wanted for this recipe.


I add currants to the rice. I find chewing on the whole spices unpleasant, so use ground coriander and count my cloves going in and painstakingly remove them before serving (admittedly the currants don’t help here). I have learned through bitter experience over many years that it is not possible to poach eggs. Fried eggs work fine here.


Buying eggs like we bought toilet paper during the pandemic... Needed an "eggs for diner" recipe. Gave this a shot....what an interesting taste! 1/2'd the recipe for 3, and fried the eggs sunny-side up rather than poached for ease only.Served with some chorizo on the side for a some heft to the meal. Would recommend for a change and new flavor if you want to try something different. Should have made a small green salad for the side...will definitely make again.


I wanted to like this but it was just really bland. I might give it another go some day using chicken stock in place of water and adding some toasted pine nuts for crunch. I had to add a lot of salt to make it zing.


Added raisins, pine nuts, and even a little date syrup drizzle. I also used a little extra salt and a hefty dose of umami mushroom seasoning from Trader Joe’s to add more flavor to the cooking liquid. The eggs made it so creamy. Good place to start and tweak to your liking.


Followed the poaching instructions - thought maybe this method would work????NO. In hindsight you can cook hard boiled eggs off heat in 12 min... A bust...


Maybe I’m just used to Ottolenghi’s other baked rice recipe, but there’s something missing in this dish. Next time will replace onions with shallots and double the garlic. Agree something sweet- whether it be raisins or even tomatoes- would make this sing.Also had to re-poach the eggs as the first batch was rock-hard after 10 minutes. The second attempt I paid closer attention and the last of the eggs came out at right about 5 minutes.

Susie Q

Instead of adding water, I used homemade veggie stock and leftover lamb stock from our Easter roast, which equated to about 4 cups. I needed to add an additional 15-20 minutes for baking the rice (shortgrain white rice) to get it cooked through. Make sure your oven is set at 350 or higher. I had to crank my oven to 400 just so it read 350 on my thermometer. The leftover lamb stock added additional fat that made the rice taste even richer. Oh instead of oil, I used bacon fat too. All hail fat


Based on previous comments, I added raisins and almonds which made the dish! I didn’t think the butter sauce was necessary, though it was tasty.


I just made over easy eggs because it is fasterA solid comfort food meal


Brown rice took over an hour and even so was soupy. It had that great chewy texture that you get from brown rice, though, and was delicious.


the idea is to have "jammy" eggs - easier than poachingI steam the eggs for no more than 6-7 minutes then quick bath in cold waterwhites firm, yolks runny - no mess to clean up


I skipped the chili butter and just sprinkled some red chili flakes on the rice. Otherwise made exactly per the recipe, and it was delicious. I agree with others comments re: the eggs -- just use whatever poaching method works for you. Only other thought: I made half of a recipe and my rice was a little soft, so I might check at 15 or 20 minutes in the future.

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Rice With Poached Eggs Recipe (2024)


What is the Tiktok poached egg hack? ›

I love eggs, Betty. Add equal parts of water and vinegar to a bowl, then crack in your eggs, leaving them for at least 10 minutes. They'll form a soft layer on the outside. so when you boil them, you don't get all those splugy bits, resulting in the best poached egg you've ever had.

Can you just crack an egg into rice? ›

Serve tamago kake gohan while it's nice and warm. This meal is so customizable that there's a lot of variation in how people prepare it in Japan. Some crack the egg directly into the rice, while others prefer to beat the egg separately before pouring it over the rice.

Why does vinegar make poached eggs better? ›

The other way is to increase the acidity of how you're cooking it. "Vinegar is an inherently acidic material, so if we add a few drops of vinegar into that boiling water that is going to increase the rate of denaturing and it's going to make that happen faster and help the poached egg hold its shape better."

Do you cook the egg first or the rice first? ›

Thirdly, the right order is to pan fry eggs, then followed by rice. Many people make the mistake to put in rice first, then pour in whisked eggs. This would make the rice soggy and mushy by absorbing the egg mixture.

What liquid is added to the water when you are making poached eggs? ›

Heat the water: Add enough water to come 1 inch up the side of a narrow, deep 2-quart saucier. Add 1 teaspoon kosher salt and 2 teaspoons white vinegar and bring to a simmer over medium heat. Meanwhile, crack 1 very fresh cold large egg into a custard cup or small ramekin.

How long to poach an egg in boiling water? ›

A really soft poached egg should take around 2 minutes and a soft-to-firm one will need 4 minutes (it depends on the size of the egg and whether you're using it straight from the fridge). To check if it's done, carefully remove your egg from the pan with a slotted spoon and give it a gentle prod with a teaspoon.

Why do Japanese put raw eggs on rice? ›

Why It Works. The hot rice helps thicken the egg slightly, giving the whole dish a lighter, fluffier texture. Beating the eggs and rice thoroughly with chopsticks introduces air into the egg whites, making them fluffier.

Can you put raw eggs into cooked rice? ›

Its name translates to “egg rice,” and that's basically what it is – a raw egg mixed into piping hot rice. Don't be scared – the hot rice cooks the egg as you stir it in. The result is Japanese comfort food at its best – the most creamy, delicious bowl of rice you've ever had.

Is it safe to crack a raw egg over rice? ›

It may be difficult to those not accustomed to eating eggs raw; but, it is a favorite dish of many Japanese people to crack a raw egg over freshly-cooked white rice, drizzle it with soy sauce, and mix well. A special soy sauce is also available in the market for just this purpose.

Is salt or vinegar better for poached eggs? ›

The salt helps season the eggs, and the vinegar helps the egg whites stay together while they poach. The vinegar is optional, but I use it when I poach eggs. (We only use 1 tablespoon, which isn't enough to flavor the eggs.) Break each egg into a clean ramekin or cup as the water heats up.

How to poach an egg in a preppy kitchen? ›

Crack one egg into a small cup. Lower the cup into the water, gently easing the egg out of the cup. Poach the egg for 3 to 5 minutes, depending on the desired doneness. (A longer cook time will result in a firmer white and less runny yolk.)

Should I wash my rice first? ›

“But in all seriousness, it's important to wash rice because it removes any excess starch so that when you cook it the grains remain separate.” For creamy dishes like rice porridge, risotto, or rice pudding that benefit starch's sticky nature, you can skip the thorough rinse.

Should you boil water first for rice? ›

Bring water to a boil, then add the rice.

Bring it to a boil and then carefully add your desired amount of rice.

What is the general rule for cooking rice? ›

There are only two rules: firstly, measuring rice by volume makes it easier to judge how much water to add. Secondly, NEVER stir rice as it cooks or it will break up and turn sticky. In some recipes a knob or butter or spoonful of oil is often added at the start to help separate the grains before they cook.

How to tell when poached eggs are done? ›

Take the eggs out after three minutes for soft poached, or let them cook to five minutes for a more solid yolk. Remove with a slotted spoon and drain as much of the water as possible - the egg should wobble, but just a little, if you move the spoon around.

How to cook poached eggs like a restaurant? ›

  1. Fill a large saucepan with water and add the vinegar. ...
  2. Crack the egg into a small bowl. ...
  3. Stir the water to create a gentle whirlpool which will help the egg white wrap around the yolk. ...
  4. Cook for 3-4 mins, until the white is cooked through.

How to get perfectly round poached eggs? ›

The most common way to poach an egg is by creating a vortex in the water. You achieve this by stirring the water with a spoon in a vigorous circle once it is lightly simmering. All you do at this point is drop in the egg and wait for it to cook.

What is the tik tok egg challenge? ›

you pretend like you're about to crack an egg, and you crack it on head. So I'm gonna do it again today. So I've been seeing this challenge. all over freaking TikTok, you guys.

How do you fake poach an egg? ›

Fake Make a Poached Egg
  1. add some water to the pan and wait for it to start sizzling.
  2. add the egg.. ...
  3. wait about a minute.. or as long as you want.. the longer you leave it the more it will cook through. ...
  4. uncover and your done.. it might not be as pretty as an actually poached egg but it tastes just as good.

What is the egg trick? ›

According to the booklet, this is how you get a whole egg into a bottle: you soak the egg in vinegar until the shell is soft like rubber, then roll it to become a narrow sausage, slip it down the bottleneck and add water. After a while, when it has regained its original shape, you discard the water.

What is the method of poached egg? ›

  1. HEAT 2 to 3 inches of water in large saucepan or deep skillet to boiling. ADJUST HEAT to keep liquid simmering gently.
  2. BREAK eggs, 1 at a time, into custard cup or saucer. ...
  3. COOK eggs until whites are completely set and yolks begin to thicken but are not hard, 3 to 5 minutes.


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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

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Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.