The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

3 0 00 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 00 the 16 THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30, 1941 THE Nats Make Drop 7 to Futile 5 Verdict Ninth-Inning to Triplets Rally and UNION'S Bill Tilden form Injured at as Smith Star College Net Players Per- 5 SPORTS Ninth Inning Rally Falls Short, Nationals Drop Another Decision to Binghamton, 7-5 Home Team Scores Three Runs in Final Frame; Richards! Hits Well but Mates Fail in Clutch; Errors Help Produce Several Triplet Tallies By Victor N. Wall Before the Eastern League season Manager Rabbit Maranville the Nationals said he would have fighting ball club. If the Nats haven't done anything else they have proved their manager right. The only trouble that home club can't follow their promising rallies! through. It was this way again yesterday at Pynchon Park as the home forces went down to defeat at the hands of Binghamton's Trips, 7 to 5.

Going into the ninth inning the Nats were in arrears by five runs! with little or no chance to win thei game. Again they had committed some costly misplays to help the Trips along. even as they had done the But day they got going against the offerings of the tiring Herb Karpel and smashed out three runs to make the score fairly respectable. if nothing, else, A3 they absorbed their straight licking in the home park and sent Manager Maranville scurying for help that he sorely needs. Takes Early Load Springfield did enjoy a brief lead In this latest defeat when it scored once in the first ani second frames to offset Binghamton counter 11 the Initial frame.

But the Trips, who hustle 08 2 ball club should. got two in the third on a bunched singles, four of them, an- THE BOX SCORE hreesich, BINGHAMTOS Travler. sIohnson, 3 Ratto, Nouk, karpel, Totals 27 SPRIN ah land, 3 Otero, Holts Me Robertson, Aderholt, 2 Torres, Kichard-, A Guerra Wynn, Carlin Totals Innings: 37 00 10 7 Binghamton Springfield 0000 Runs hatted in. Trasier 3, Gridaitis, Torres, hiso Bassin hit, Richard stolen Markland, bases, Otero: Otero, two Kreevich; sacrifices, kreevich, Karpel; double play, Johnson to Adium to Bassin; left on baser, Binghamton 6, 8: buse on balls, marvel 3. Shedin 1, Wynn: strike-out-, Russel Shedia 1.

Wynn 1: hits, off shedis 9 in off Winn 3 in 2: wild pitch, Karpel: Insing pitcher, Ahedis, U'mpires, Wiethe and Cure. Time, 2.18. Guerra batted for Shedie in 4th. ('Arlin hatted for Wynn in 9th. Holts ran for firidaiti, in 9th.

other in the filth and then coasted home when Springfield gule another exhibition of loose baseball in the eighth and ninth frames. About the only bright spot in the Springfield story WAS the hitting of Verne Richards, catcher, who hand a perfect day' at bat with four for four. but he couldn't do it alone. His nites fell down again, once at a very crucial point when any kind hit would have tied tlie count. Springfiell had runners second and third and none olit but the following three Nationals couldn't hit the ball out of the infield.

Makes Perfect Throw A perfect throw by Outfieller Tony Gridaitis checked the Trips at one run in the first frame. The Vats scored aided by Catcher Ialph Houk's wild throw In trying to catch Otero stealing. A two-base wild pitch set up the second Springfield run in the next Inning to give the Nats a briet lead. In the Binghamton third, however, the Trips hopped on Bruno Shells for four singles. good for two runs.

Two singles with a sacrifice in the fifth increased the Binghamton mar. gin. In the meantime, however, Karpel WAS going along very steadily, with the Nuts throttled at every turn 11n- til the seventh when George Torres walked and Richards rapped double up ngainst the fence for an excellent opening. But Mike Guerra, hitting for Shedis, Gone Markland. now infielder Otero were not equal to the occasion.

Then Gridaitis made 2 muff Johnson's fly in the eighth to permit another Trip run. In the ninth three and an error gave the Trips two more and apparently sowed up the game. Aderholt, however, opened the ninth with single and after Torres ul flied out, Richards got his fourth hit. Jimmy Carlin hit for Early Wynn, who had relieved Shedis. and singled to fill the bases.

Markland singled one run home. Johnson made a grand play on Otero's grounder as a second run tallied. Ratto hooted Gridaitia' ground ball for another run before Karpol shut the door in the be Nais' faces by forcing Bill Me Willlans to Around to Ratto for A force play and final out. Ivy in Decisive Win Over Bolvin PROVIDENCE, R. April 29 (AT') Bobby "P'oison" Ivy, Hartford featherweight who has a penchant for upsetting favorites, turned the trick ngain here tonight when he meted out a two- fisted lacing to Larry Bolvin of in A 10-round main bout at the I.

J. Auditorium. Rated A 10-7 choice going into the fight, Bolvin couldn't make an prociable dent in Ivy's armor after! the first two rounds and. from then on assimilated a terrific amount of punishment. The Hartfori boxer floored Bolvin for nine counts in the fifth and 10th And was Ol1 the deck hanself for no count in the ninth.

Ivy held a weight advantago of three and A quarter pounds, l'edro Hernandez, 127. of Puerto Rico made short work of Tony Dupre, 120. of Manchester, N. M. vin ond-round knockout in a scheduled elcht.

Dupre WA.S floored five times In the first round and once the second before the fray was World's Leading Tennis Stars at Smith College tops in the field, four of the world's Left to right, Eleanor Tennant, Don Budge and Miss Gertrude Goss Bill Tilden Sprains Ankle I NORTHAMPTON, April 29-The Smith College courts this afternoon. wick, Miss Marble, In Smith College Exhibition Forced Out of Mixed Doubles; Don Budge and Alice Marble Easy Victors NORTHAMPTON, April 20-Don Budge, California redhead sensation. and Alice Marble continued to hold sway over their touring tennis partners, Big Bill Tilden and Mary Hardwick, the English girl, in a professional exhibition match at Smith College -this afternoon. Budge trimmed Tilden. 6-4, 6-2, and Miss Marble easily disposed Miss Hardwick.

6-0, 6-1, in singles matches, while Miss Marble teamed with Tilden John Nogrady to defeat Budge and Hardwick, 4-6, 6-1, 6-1, in the mixed doubles. Some 1800 fans turned out in ideal weather to watch the world's leading net stars perform. Tilden Hurt The exhibition was marred by an injury to Tilden in the seventh game of the first set in the mixed doubles. Big Bill. who had been turning in an performance, sprained his left ankle while going after a difficult Budge placement and was forced to call it quits.

In an announcement to the gathering, Miss Marble explained that the quartet still has several engagements listed, and rather than run the risk of aggravating the injury, Tilden would rest the injured member. The former world champion retired in favor of Nogrady, who is carried as a spare by the troupe. Tilden said he expects to play Thursday at Atlantic City, N. J. Tilden gave Budge a real tussle in the opening set of their singles match.

However, his age played 2 telling part in the second set and the Californian won easily. Big Bill trailed his younger opponent by only four games to three in the opening set, but Budge, despite two doublefaults in the eighth game, came through with fine placements at opportune moments to win. The old master won his own service in the ninth game, but could not get to wellplaced sidecourt shots which Budge served up in the final game. Rig Bill Tires Miss Hardwick. Likes Kovars Nogrady replaced Tilden in the sev- Budge and Tilden split the first two games of the second set, but then Tilden began to tire.

Budge ran out string with the loss of only one game, Miss Marble showed considerable court acumen in her singles match with the British star. The American's game was such that Miss Hardwick never did got started. Miss Marble won nine straight games before the English girl broke the spell, and even then she held Miss Hardwick at deuce three straight times before dropping the game, Miss Marble broke through her opponent's service in the sixth game of the second set and then won her own service with the loss of only one point to win the set and match. Tilden furnished the crowd with some fine tennis in the mixed doubles event before retiring. In this match.

Miss Hardwick showed her best tennis, too. Miss Marble and Budge, While they furnished some outstanding hits of tennis, apparently were not exerting themselves in this match. and it remained for Tilden and Miss Hardwick to do the honors. Big Bill drew applause from the gathering time and again with a tricky serve he used when opposed to Budge's home town. COLLEGE BASEBALL, Connecticut 6, Springfeld 5 (11).

Princeton 2, Duke 1. Northeastern 1, Rhode Island 0 Colgate Cornell enth game, and before he could get warmed up to his game, the team off Budge and Miss Hardwick had walked off with the set. However, it was a different story in the last two sets. Budge was playing lehargically, while Nogrady turned on the heat. Budge in an interview, refused to nature of the "important announcement" which he is scheduled to make in Now York Friday.

He admitted he will have something to say at that time, but asserted that because other interests a are involved. he could not talk at this time. The Californian, who led T'nited States teams to three straight Davis Cup victories when he was competing in the ranks, said the best in the amateur ranks today is Frank Kovaes, a fellow Californian, and incidentally, a lad who hails from Oakland, which is RACING AT NARRAGANSETT A There'll he team another today, shakeup Rabbit in Maran- the promised after second straight lacing from the hands of Binghamton. Maranville was EL disgusted manager. Sherry Robertson.

shortstop, will he benched temporarily. Maranville asserted and one ur two other changes will be made. pending the time Maranville can get some help for 1 hall club that is badly in need of it. Of National Note regards him As a pet victim. Johnson went into the air to rob Otero of a triple Monday.

He up with Otero's hard sinash in the ninth yesterday to save hit and a run. One run did score but two would have had the ball gone through. A checkup on Springfeld numbers is needed. Both Smut Aderholt and (Gene Markland wore No. 12 yesterday.

Verne Richards made Ea most auspicious debut AS alt Eastern League batter. When he got a hit in the second inning, it was his first. He followed with three more for a perfect day. They were no bunts, either. One of them just missed clearing the left-feld wall.

Page likes Herb Karpel, the winning hurler, because Karpel knows what to do with his stuff and is smart. Binghamton came up with a good double play in the fifth. Richards cut Jim Adlam down at second but Jim got his throw away, even if it was in the dirt, where Harry Bassin scooped it up. A former Springfield star saw the game from the stands. He was Hank Karlon.

a member of the 1932 Springfield team that won a championship. Hank will play for the Pratt Whitney team later, although an infected finger has prevented him from joining the squad. Johnny Mitchell, the Indians hockex conch, W13 a press box visitor. Johnny, who likes his baseball, will 2 few days in Springfield checking up with Owner Eddie Shore onl players they signed during their scouting trip. Binghamton again today at 3.30.

Maroons Lose to Uconns In 11-Inning Battle, 6 to 5 Two-Run Lead Nullified in Ninth; Krause's Single Decides Issue Special to The Springfield Union STORES, April 29-A looping The Springfield manager, off to a disappointing start, didn't mince any words in expressing his disgust. He was in touch with Owner John Cambria and stressed the fact that he had to have help and have it quickly. Bucky Jacobs scheduled to face the Trips today. He was an early season sensation in 1940. Verne Richards will do the catching.

If you needed any more proof why Maranville is so popular in baseball, you had it before the game when he spent few minutes around second base showing some Binghamton play. ers how to pivot. Not that he hasn't done it for his own players. Phil Page, the Springfield boy who is leading the Binghamton team, pitched to Trip batters, an indication that Phil retting radiantor some relief work, as Aniong improvements at Pynchon Park are new hat racks. They are neatly stacked up at the side of each dugout.

Previously. they were arrayed in a neat pile front of the dugouts, until some player scattered them for luck, an old Chinese custoni. It will be Classical High School day today. Reggie Otero must figure that Bill Johnson, Trip third sacker, Texas League single by Ted Krause spelled victory for Connecticut against Springfield C'ollege, 6 to 5, in the eleventh inning here today after the visitors rallied in the ninth to tie a game that Connecticut had very nearly cowed up by stealing everything but the bleachers in the early innings. Connecticut got three of its six runs by stealing hases and two others fast base running.

Only the jackpot run was earned principally by hittiag power. But the Uconns also played a Robin Hood role, for their seven error played 2 large part in every one of Springfeld's five tallies, Throws Arm Out However, Connecticut did zet 10 hits to Springfield's eight in this contest that SAW the lead seesaw back and forth and five plichers work in the box for the two teams. Dates Mugavero started for Connecticut but threw his arm out in the first inning. Veteran Fred Mitchell was sent in to the box from first base and got into trouble A the visitors batted out four hits against him in tho second frame. They only got one run, however.

They got another in second on two hits and a stolen base, hut The Standings YESTERDAY'S RESULTS By The Associated I'ress EASTERN LEAGUE Binghamton Springtield 5 Hartford 3, Albany Elmira 9. Wilkes-Barre 7 Williamsport 1:. Scranton 4 NATIONAL LEAGUE Brooklyn 13, Cincinnati St. Loni, New York Boston Chivago 3 Cit 6, Pitt here! AMERICAN LEAGUE Detroit Boston 3 Louis 3. New York ('leveland A.

Philadelphia 3 Chicago 3, Washington 2 INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Rochester 1. 2 Montreal Baltimore 5 Neuark 9. Buffalo 7 Jersey City 9, Toronto 3 STANDINGS EASTERN LEAGTE. Binghamton. Hartford .667 Williamsport Wilkes- Barre .500 Springfield Seranton .250 .167 NATIONAL LEAGUE PC Brooklyn 12 st.

Louis .750 Now Bork .617 Cincinnati .300 Chicago .363 .129 10 .286 Pittsburgh .250 AMERICAN LEAGUE Clereland Chicago New Pork .600 Hoston I- .583 Detroit .417 Philadelphia .333 Washington St. Lonis 3 .300 INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE PO Newark 10 .848 Montrent .583 Buffalo .500 Jersey City' .538 Toronto .400 Rochester Baltimore .333 GAMES TODAY EASTERN LEAGUE Binghamton at Springfield (3.30 p. nt Hartford thee- Burre F11 Elmira Scranton at Williamsport NATIONAL LEAGUE C'incinnati nt At. Louis at New York Chicago 21 Boston Pittshurgh at P'hiladelphin AMERICAN L.EAGU'E Boston nt Detroit New York at St. Louis Washington at Chicago Philadelphia at Cleveland :.2 FIRST and up; mile.

Time 1:13 1-5. Cannibal (lettinger) 12.80 23.20 12.80 (Kenny) 4.00 3.90 Dinna Do (1 alls) 7.00 Also ran: Savant, Bright Mark, Town Longue, Counsuello, Airwin, Dona's Pal, Free Bid. Chance Maker, Burnt Bridges. SECOND RACE D-year-olds; mile. Time 1:13 2-3.

Jumn Did (J. E. Ores) 5.50 3.10 2.00. Hi Minnie tr. Atkinson) 6.90 1.60 Supper Show (Delucia) 6.30 Also ran: Differential.

Dragon La Folly Hygro, Flag Carrier, Eight Five. Sunareve. Angry Waters, Ballyhaunis. THIRD 4 furlongs. Time Moonful .10.30 3.30 2.70 All Gire 2.30 2.20 Gain Grip (Chestnut) 3.10 Alan ran: Whitinsville, Hi-Leap, Aireante, Dot Sava Not.

Tangoverlee. RACE-3-year-olds; 1 1-16 miles. Time: 1.48 4-5. dining Along (Terior) 9.10 4.50 2.80 Cloudy Nizht (Vina) 4.30 2.30 I Gid (C. Charlion) 2.00 Also ran: Traumelus, Rambunctious, Roman Gypsy.

FIFTH RACE-4-year-olds and up: mile. Time: 1.11 4-0. Speed to Spare (Ma;) 8.00 5.00 4.20 Suntimne (Peres) 23.40 9.90 Bright Trace (De Incia) 8.10 Aiso Snortstop, Williamstown, Charitable, Scotch Trap. SIXTH RACE-4-year-olds and up; mile. Time: 1.11 3-5.

zstar Boarder (Kobart) 6.90 6.90 3.10 at 'ommencement (Mey nell) 8.10 8.30 4.30 Skin Deep (Luther) 2.8.) Also ran: Forever Prince, Deimos, The Fop, Donna Leona, 2-Dead heat. SEVENTH RACE-4-year-olds and up; 113 miles Time: 1.65. High Arch 6.30 3.00 Dark Bean (K. Howell) 10.20 6.09 Wise Will (Mes nell) 4.50 Also ran: Ardour, flo. Dizzy B.

Marching Feet, Rhiniz. EIGHTH RACE-4-year-olds and up: one mile yards. Time: 1.43 2-5. Crius 7.50 4.30 3.70 Her Reigh (R. Hovels 5.30 4.20 Discobolo (McMulten) 6.30 Also ran: Travis Calling.

Stalagmite, Wancoo, Count Eleven, Howellville, Gallant Risk. AT JAMAICA FIRST RACE-4-year-olds and up; mile. Time 1:13 4-0. Bill (A. K'h'ris'u) 8.00 3.60 2.00 alegenda (Wright) 2,80 2,10 Bouncalong (Hebert) 8.80 Aiso ran: Shoulder Arms, Rolls Easy, Dolly Whisk, Postage Due, a Mintson.

a- J. Tigni entry. SECOND ILICE-3-year-old: mile. Time 1:13 1-5 Vivacious (tont) 8.40 3.90 3.10 The Thane (Hutf) 5.80 4.30 Powdered Heeis (Skelly) 4.30 Also ran: Wake, bark Mischiet, Glen Acre. THIRD RICE-3-year-olds and up: 11-16 mile.

Time 1:48 4-5, King Star (Meade) ........12.20 4.50 3.50 Belfry Chimes (Oliver) 3.00 2.50 Cove Spring 7.80 Thrift. Also ran: Grandeur, Red stars, Rodalma, FOURTII RACE-2-year-olds; mile. Time: 1.000 4-0. Tomochichi (R. James) 4.10 3.50 3.00 (1.

Anderson) 10.30 6.50 aFlour Town (Whalen) 9.00 Also rAn: Marination, ADouble Eire, Ariel Lad, Liberty Cap, Alr Raider, Tell Me More, Wait A Bit, Candle Stick, Louis ville 2d, Incoming, allard Blast. 8-G. Widener entry, FIFTH RACE-3-year-olde and up: mile, Time: 1.12. Catapult (N. Wall) 0.20 5.10 4.60 Smart Crack (Friedman) 6,60 4.90 White Mask (Kelly) 6.80' Also rAn: Marogay, Mary Schulz.

SIXTH RACE-4-year-olds and up; 1 1-16 miles. Time: 1.44 3-5. Spanish Duke (Bierman) 9.00 4.70 3.10 Bioder (Ercard) 17.80 5.60 Straight Lead (Skelly) 2.30 Also ran; Play House, Conflado, Volitant, Rex Flag. SEVENTIL and up: mtles. Time: 1.51.

Afirmation (James) 6.30 3.30 White Hope (Oliver) 6.50 3.20 zAlmar (Freard) 3.30 zack Sting (Birrman) 2.30 Also ran: Blacant, Kurdistan, Dr Sticka. z-Dead beat for show. AT PIMLICO FIRST RACE-3-year-olds; one mile 70 yards. Time: 1.46 1-5. Wire Me (Scott, 10.30 4.80 3.00 Stop Loss (.

Madden) 4.40 3.2:1 Grand Court, Nutmeg Lass, Miss Identify, Also rAn: Ward, Garden Gal, Questita, Punchdrunk a (F. Kelly) 4.10 Winhergal, Dominal, Saxon Princess. SECOND RACE-3-year-olds; furlores, Time: 4-5. Longstone (Dupps) 49.30 21.20 Toner Guest 5.20 3.80 Malrais (Madden) 12.40 Also ran: John's Buddy, Gypsy Moth, Warlee, Grand Venture. Little Acandal, Upsetting, Three Nines.

Elsirac, Red Horizon. THIRD RACE-2 year-olds; about 2 miles steeplechase. Time: 3.53. Broadside King (Roby) 5.10 4.10 3,30 Firelight (Harrison) 9.10 7.4 Dundrillin (E. Roberts) 1.60 Also ran: Knight, Golden Trel, Tam O'Shanter, Brant, Athlone, Clovisse, Buck Langhorne, Longe Gallant.

Time: 1.13 Pandonna (farrell) 19.90 5.80 Argella 5.80 2.90 Pomiva (K. Watson) 2.60 Also ran: Charlene, My Elsie, Hazel W. FIFTH RACE-4-year-olds and Up: one mile 70 yards, Time: 1.13. Tragic Ending (Dupps) 11.10 4.20 2.60 Kansa. (Mora) 3.20 2.30 lee Water (D, 2.40 Also Swynstan, Silver Rocket, Boreale.

Lauderkin. SIXTH And up; mile. Time: 1.11 4-3, Ocean Blue (I. llanford) 5.50 4.10 2.90 Handy Tom (Harrell) 9.50 0.00 Kiding Light 6.50 Also ran: Pete Jr, John's Star, Alaking, Rough Command, Barrymore, Sobriquet, Quakertown. SEVENTIC RACE-4-year-olds and up: 1 3-10 miles.

Time: 2.01 2-0. Meadow Morn (Berg) .11.40 3.70 2.90 Howard (R. Scott) 2.50 2.30 Breezing Along 1.00 AltO ran: Tryatate, Grandduke, Sun Capture, Shag, Malano, Extra Good, Brooke Herod. EIGHTI RACE-4-year-olds and up: I 1-Iti miles. Time: 1.46 1-5.

Hs porrite (W. Kirk) 8.60 4.50 2.10 Abbasside (G. Ninith) 3.50 2.10 Misrule (D. Madden) 2.40 Also rAn; Runoy, Flaming Iligh, Celling; Zero, Tonypandy, AT CHURCHILL, DOWNS Time: .53 4-0. FIRST RACE-2-year-olda; furlongs.

Indian Sun (Vedder) 9.20 4.00 3.00 Kangle (Lit' cell) 5.20 3.80 (Thompson) 3.10 Also TAN: Saucy Singer, Gean Way, Saxon, Amethyst. K. Rounder, Pure Briar, lopedale, All Aglow, Bright Bell. I -Field. SECOND RACE-4-year-olds and up: 61 furlongs.

Time: 1.19 1-3. Santo Domingo (). Richard) 40.80 19.80 8.20 Pink Gal (Thompson) 9.80 5.00 Mighty Miss 3.20 Also ran: Beat Do, Gino Thor, xTeperwine, Red Moss, xMarfeu, Conscript, Neighbor, Linger Awhile, THIRD RACE-3-year-olds; mile. Time: 1.12 2-3. Light A- Air (Thompson) .11.20 4.80 3.10 So Fiddle (Mc'reary) 4.20 3.20 Allack (Craig) 6.60 Also ran: Shut Eye.

Air Hostess. Come On Sam. Heartman, Darby lesmond. FOURTH mile. Time: 1.11 1-f.

Mystery Marvel (Thompson) 41.00 12.80 4.40. Silestra 4.60 3.00 Blue Delight (Met rears) 2.60 Also ran: Valdina Myth, Seventh Misty late, Epleget. FIFTH RACE-3-year-olds; 1 1-16 miles. Time: 1 1-5. Inst or (W.

5 10 4.80 4.10 Mark's Hope (Thompson) 9.10 4.69 Nemissa (Snider: 13.001 AlsO Thistle Nancy, Delcross, Myatery Lad. Sparkling Sepia. Bookie Me, Darby D'Or, xBoth of Wallace X-Field. SIXTH RACE-4-year-olds and up: 1 miles. Time: 1.13 1-7.

Steal Heels (Vedder) 4.60 2.80 2.20 44 Quiz 3.80 2.60 Show Up 3.00 AlsO FAN: Don Miss Sarah, SEVENTII RACE one mile. Time: 1.33 3-1. Mine Pair (J. Richard) 0.10 3,20 2.80 Whirlaway (W. Fade) 2.60 2.10 Cadmium (Tromp on) 2.40 Also ran: Simon G.

Quintilian, Sporting. RACE and up: miles. Time: 1,31 -trolling Br (W. de) 0.00 7.60 2.80 Kermay (Met ombs) 4.80 3.20 Henry Matter (Thompson) 2.80 AlsO rAD: Colonel Jor. Dork.

Star Ind. T'atras, Frank Ormont, Groan Bluff. Krehbiel, Street. 1. HOLYOKE.

E. April 29 -Mater Dolordea A. looking for A home game tor Sundar. Fart 91 wanted. Call Manager Joe Chmura at lolyoke 4513 tween 7 and 3 P.

HOLYOKE. April 29 Fairview Butfaloes want a bome cane for Sunday with any gand team. Twilight matches Also mought. Call Manager John Losty at liolyoke 2-1712 between 5 and 6 p.m. There are more nickels in Lion than any other American coin.

I. outstanding tennis players, appeared noted net authority and Alice Marble's of the department of physical education Blue Pair Beats In Kentucky Race Proves Little, Horse Runs Schoolboy Sports By Harold J. Martin Cathedral's Bow at Agawam, Opening of Hampshire League Hold Schoolboy Baseball Spotlight The unveiling of Cathedral's newest baseball team at Agawam, the opening of the Hampshire League and Trade's meeting with Ludlow at Blunt Park today the biggeat and best schoolboy diamond program of the young season. One of the likliest games of the lot, merce and Turners Falls, scheduled for Ruth Elizabeth, been canceled. Vacation week disrupted the arrangement.

There are still question marks sprinkled through the Cathedral lineup. Coach Billy Wise knows who his out his second baseman and his shortstop will but he isn't sure of much of anything else. He'll use Keough, Larkin and Kenney, all veterans. in the picket line and post Maloney at second base and Silk, a West Springfield boy, at short. Beyond that I he won't guarantee a thing.

hall will ace either last fall, McCarthy, or Hart his At first. Parsons and Sullivan are still the right to the third-base job and it's a tossup between Sasali behind the plate. Martin, Cathedral's lanky basketball star, or Leclair, the latter A southpaw, will get the mound assignment. And there may he changes after game time. Ragion, who also plays basketball and foothall, has been doing a capable job hoth at third base and in center field.

The trouble is that Kpough, who covered the the outfield berth hand Ragion has tory last season, first call on had no experience on the hot COner. Prior, a second baseman who wanted to play third mthis year and lacks only size, break into the infield somewhere Fd Bowler is almost sure to get an inning or two in the outfield. Cathedral's optimism WAS jolted yesterday morning when reading of the scholastic grades disclosed the unsuspected fact that Rocky Panetta, younger brother of the Mike Panetta, who played basketball for Classical and Trade, is ineligihle. Panetta was probably the hest third baseman on squad. He'll be ready for action some time in May, if all gops well scholastically in the meantime.

Pitching, as always, is the burest problem. With a slim staff. Wise must spread the available talent over a slate that bunches four tough games into nine days. The Purple makes its Parochial Teague how against Sacred Heart here Friday, entertains Agawam on Monday and must he ready for the opening of the Interschool League -Commerce will be its opThursday. Amherst High, unquestionably one of the strongest of the Hampshire League clubs, draws what may turn out to be A 10ugh opening assignment in Hopkins Academy.

Paul Brown, heading the Hopkins coaching staff again, will start the veter. an Joe Rytuba on the mound, which means he's putting his best foot forward the face of the fact that Coach George Williams of the Collegetowners is expected to use Franny Strange, one of the section's cleverest schoolboy flingers. There's plenty of power in the Amherst batting order, but Hopkins, with Stecker Moczulewski, Conk and Parzek in the garden and Ralph Moczulewski, Kosior, Zalot and Leo Gizienski in the infield, is primed to give nearly in exhibition matches coach: Bill Tilden, Mary Hardat Smith College. Whirlaway Derby Tuneup from then until the seventh his looping curves were effective. A Con- necticut error and a hit meant another run in that inning for Spring.

neld. Walks Set Stage Meanwhile. Connecticut put on a beautiful base running exhibition that had its premiere in the fourth and was repeated in the sixth. First two men up, Mike Baldwin and Charlie Horvath reached on walks. A long fly by Pitcher Mitchell advanced them.

A moment later Baldwin stole home, and then Horvath came in when Winzler, who had walked, attempted successfully to steal second. Two hits by Baldwin and Mitchell in the sixth put men on first and third, and then Baldwin came home after Mitchell had got himself in a box taking second. Mitchell subsequently took third and stole home. In the eighth, Horvath stole home after two hits by himself and Mitchell had nut him in scoring position. Summary: CONNECTICUT ah A De Genero, cf 5 2 5 Baldwin, rf 3 1 8 Mitchell.

1. Tusteviez, 13 W'inzler, 3 Krause, 1f 0. De Carli, Kovacs, 1 2 Totals 39 6 10 33 17 SPRINGFIELD ah Broadhead, 5 Gibnes, u' 5 Fenton. 8 5 Sheldon, Seaver, Schmidt. rf 5 Fredericks, If Watson, 5 Scott.

1 5 5 Segalla, 3 5 0 Totals 45 5 32 19 1 Innings: 3. 4 5 6 8 91011 Connecticut 2 0 2 0 0 1-6 0 1 1 0 0 01 0 2 0 Two base hits, De Genero, Seaver; sacriAce, Winzler: loft on bases. Connecticut 5, Springfield base on balls, Seaver 4: strike Mugavero 1, Mitchell 3. Kovars 1, 7, Sheldon 1. Umpires, Quinn And Orefce.

Time, 2.30. Loses No-Hitter As Grays Win, 12-4 WILLTAMSPORT, April 29 (AP) -Orie Arntzen, the six-foot, pound right hander the Grays landed in a deal involving Sam Liberto last December, WAS on the threshold of Eastern League pitching's highest society today as Williamsport istered a straight thumping to the Scranton Miners by a 12-4 count at Bowman Field. Arntzen gave up five hits, but all in the final inning. For eight frames he pitched hitless and runless ball. Summary: Goodman, WILLIAMSPORT cf ab Quirk.

HAll, 2 0 Norther. rt Richardson, 0 Richmond. 3 2 Kolberg. 1 10 On hozen. Arntyen, 09 Totals 38 11 2 Popowaki.

ab Vieman. Plummer, Signaigo, 1t Kensecke, 1 Orteig, 3 Colgan. A MeGah Heft. Ferraioli Karl, Totals 33 5 12. Innings: 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 Williammport 3 Scranton 0.00 0 0 A 4 Chozen Runa batted in, Northey 5, Quick 2.

2. Goodman. Popowaki, Nieman 2. Orteig: two base hits, Northey 2, Plummer: home runs, Northey, Nieman; double nays. Richmond to llall to Kolbers, Popowski to Pash to Kensecke; left on bases, Scranton 1, Williamsport 7: base on balls, Arntzen 2.

Desorcy 1, Heit strike-outs, 1,, Arntzen 5, Jieft 1: hits, off 6 in 2 innings, off Heft 5. in 3, off Karl 3 in 3: losing pitcher. Desorcy. I'mpires, Winters and l'aparella. Time, 1.53.: A McGah batted for Desorry In 341.

Perraioll batted for Heft in 6th. SCHOOLBOY BASEBALL, Monson. Academy 11, Wilbraham Enfield '4, Stafford COLLEGE TENNIS Yale Virginia 1 any hurler a workout. Parzek, an emergency, can be called in to replace Rytuba in the box. Fred Greskiewicz will do the catching.

Coach Ed McGibney's Trade outfit shouldn't have any particular trouble with Ludlow. With Bruno Chmura mowing them down, the Beavers were hot in their opening appearance against Ware last week and Ludlow, 0l1 what it. has shown SO far, isn't ready to give them A battle. McGibney will probably shift Chmura, an outstanding infielder, to second base and Carmen Gianetti 10 the outfield, starting Mitch Stanck on the firing line. Like Wise at Cathedral, Coach Johnny Kalloch of Smith Acad- emy is still undecided about his lineup for the opruing of the Hampshire League today.

He will start either Woloss or J. Mullins on the hill with Stanley Rome doing the backstopping. Ed Rome, Kugler, Slusars, Yarrows, Moxie, Mack, Shea, Donnis and Kraft are the squad members who'll play for Smith hut Kalloch has been experimenting with several combinations and the pattern won't be definite until game time. Sanderson Academy, decisive tor over Clarke School in its curtainraiser Saturday, released its complete schedule yesterday. Here are the remaining games: May 6, at Deerfield High; 9.

at Charlemont; 13. Northfield; 16, Charlemont: 23, at Witliamshurg; 27, at Northfield; 30. Ashfield Town Team; June 4, at Clarke School: 6, Arms Academy; 10, at Powers; 13, Williamsburg: 17, at Arms Academy. The home-and-home series with Arms is tentative. Originally, the day's program called for the opening of the Northern Connecticut League with Windsor Locks, the defending champion, meeting Enfield at Thompsonville.

The contest has been postponed because several of the Windsor Locks seniors are making a. vacation trip to Washing. ton, D. C. The slate has been re.

arranged so that the teams will clash at Thompsonville June 4 and at Windsor Locks June 11. Bump Hadley Let Go by Giants NEW YORK, April 29 --Irving (Bump) Hadley, who at times during the spring looked like one of the New York Giants' best pitchers, was hand. ed his surprise release today. He started two games against Brooklyn and although he finished neither, received credit for one victory. He also had been used in relief once.

He was a veteran of 14 years service in American League and was sold to the Giants during the winter by the New York Yankees, HU SHIH TO SPEAK MIDDLEBURY, V. April 29 (AP) -Announcement that Dr. Hu Shih. Chinese ambassador to the United States, would be the principal speaker At Middlebury College's 111 at commencement on June 16 was made day by college W. R.

HEARST IS 18 YREKA, April 29 liam Randolph Hearst celebrated his 78th birthday quietly today at his 5680-acre estate in Siskiyo County. However, for Wright's Wide on Turn LOUISVILLE, April 29 (AP) -'The high speed Blue Pair nipped Whirlaway in the Derby Trial mile today, but the big "preview" to Saturday's Kentucky Derby didn't prove a thing except that Whirlaway still can come like the wind if he's able to steer a straight road home. In the final test before the running of the Blue Grass classicwhich Col. Matt Winn, Churchill Downs head, predicted today would be the biggest ever with 100,000 spectators on hand-Tom Bragg's colt finished three quarters of a length in front of Whirlaway, but only because Warren Wrisht's little nut ran wide just as the field came out of the stretch turn. Up to that point, Whirlaway had come from fifth place in the field of six -some nine lengths back of the leaders--to look the pace.setters in the eye.

Then, after running on the outside of horses all the way 'round the stretch bend, he couldn't straighten out and WAS more than halfway ed for home. This lost enough across the track when the, field head. ground to cost him the race. No Sign of Injury As for Blue Pair, which WAS rumored to be suffering from popped splint, he didn't run like A colt ered by an injury. le covered the eight furlongs in blistering time of 1.36 3-5, and, if somethjing did hurt him, as reports persisted, it apparently wasn't serious enough either to annoy him today or to keep from Saturday's Derby.

For, at Mine finish, both Willie Crump and Ben Jones, respective trainers, announced that Blue Pair and Whirlaway definitely would answer when the bugles sound, "My Old Kentucky Home." There wore four other starters in race. But after this quartetCadmium, Shaun Quintilian and Sporting--finished far down the track, there was little chance any of them would get to the post Saturday. Pioneers Defeat Barons, 9 to 7 ELMIRA, N. April 29 (AP)Elmira Pioneers ran their winning streak to three straight here tolay As they defeated the WilkesBarons, 9 to 7. in an old-fashioned slugfest.

Summary: ELMIRA a Madura, 3 A Nowak, cf 5 Brinsky, Kohesky, If, rE rt 13 Pinkston. 1 Holbrook. Robinson. C'ohen, 2 2 Monchak, allarnick l'olzer, Young, Maglie, Angell, 'Totals 34 9 12 27 13 WILKES- BARRE a A a Monaco, 2 4 3 Lemon, 5 3 3 Barton, 1 5 Frierson, 10 Dunlap, rf Liberto, ct Conway, Madjeski, bTurchin Jilxson, OF Adking. Reynolds, 0 Pate.

dO' Dea Embree, Totals Innings: 6 Elmira 1 3 9 Wilkes- Barre 0 Runs halted in. Priorson Barton, Dunlap. Lemon 3, Cohen, Brinaky Kobesky, Nowak, Madura, HobInson; two base hits, Lemon, Conway, Nowak; Brinsky, Nobeaky, Irobinson, C'ohen, Monchak; three base hits, Monaro, Madura: baser. Brinaky, Madura: sacrifice, Angell: double plays, Young to Monchak to Robinson. Angell to Monchak to Robinson.

Embree to Conway 10 liarton: left on bases, Wilkes- Barre 9. Simira 8: base on halla, Joung 1, Maglie 1. Adking 1, Reynolds 3, Pate 2: Angell 3, Adking 3. Pate 2. Embree hits, oft Adking in 1-3 innings, off Reynolds, 2 in 1 2-3, off Pate 2 in 1.

off Embree in 3, off Young 10 in 5 (none in 6th). Aft Nagie 3 in 1-3, off Angell 1 in 3 2-3; ball, Holbrook: winning pitcher, Young: loving pitcher. Adkins. U'mpires, Johnston, Showalter and Walsh. Time.

9.50. A -Harnick batted for Monchak In 7th. b--Turchin ran for Madjeski In "th. c-Edwards batted for Reynold 1n 6th. d-O'Dea batted for Fate In 7th.


The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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