White sandwich bread recipe (2024)

by Roxana 117 Comments

White sandwich bread – probably the simplest bread recipe,soft and fluffy, with a yellowish crumb and a chewy crust, this bread it perfect for Pb&J or any deli sandwiches and even for making French toast.

This recipe if part of my monthly partnership with Red Star Yeast.

White sandwich bread recipe (1)

I could not believemy eyes way back in January when I shared 20 homemade bread recipes and 20 more on my bucket listthatI don’t have a recipe for sandwichbread already on the blog. I mean, really, is there a simpler recipe that plain white sandwichbread?

The first bread I tried to bake way bake 4 years ago when I microwaved yeast (don’t laugh, totally did it) was white sandwich bread. Since then I have picked a thing or two about baking with yeast, but I’m mostly thankful for all the lessons and yeast and baking I’ve read on Red Star Yeast site when I was desperate and close to having a panic attack.

White sandwich bread recipe (2)

Some of you might be wondering “why go through all the trouble of making bread from scratch when it’s easilyavailable at every grocery store?” My dears, the answer it’s simple “because homemade it’s the best!” There’s absolutely nothing more rewarding that knowing what exactly Iput in my family meals and baked goodies. Have you read the LONG ingredientslist on the store-bought bread? That’s insane! Ingredients that I can’t even pronouncelet alone know what they are, are listed as ingredients in that perfectly shaped loaf of bread.

No, thank you. I’d rather bake a not so perfect loaf of bread with accessibleingredients and I’ll feel 10 times better.

White sandwich bread recipe (3)

This white sandwich bread recipe come from Red Star Yeastand it’s been my go-to sandwich bread for a while now. It uses both milk and water which leads to a soft chewy crumb and crust. A little bit of butter and an egg is added for richness and that yellowish color with just a touch of sweetness, without being considered a sweet bread.

This bread it’s very easy to make, just follow the basic steps in making bread and you’ll be fine!

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White sandwich bread recipe

Yields 1 loaf

White sandwich bread - soft and fluffy, with a yellowish crumb and a chewy crust, this bread it perfect for Pb&J or any deli sandwiches and even for making French toast.

20 minPrep Time

30 minCook Time

3 hr, 30 Total Time

White sandwich bread recipe (7)Save Recipe

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  • 1/2 cup lukewarm water
  • 2 tsp active Red Star dry yeast
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • 3 cups (360 grams) all purpose flour
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 1/2 tbsp sugar
  • 1/4 cup (56 grams) melted butter
  • 1/4 cup milk
  • 1/4 - 1/3 cup (30 - 40 grams) all purpose flour


  1. In a bowl add the water, yeast and teaspoon of sugar. Stir to combine and leave at room temperature for about 5-10 minutes until doubled in volume.
  2. In a mixing bowl sift the 3 cups of flour and make a well in the middle.
  3. Pour the yeast mixture, add the egg, sugar, salt and melted butter.
  4. With the dough hook on start mixing adding the milk and slowly adding the remaining flour until the dough forms a soft and elastic ball.
  5. Place the dough in a greased bowl, cover with plastic wrap and leave at room temperature for about 1 hour or until doubled in volume.
  6. When the dough has risen, punch it down and shape it into a log. Place it into a 9X5 greased baking pan, cover and let rest again at room temperature for another 30 minutes.
  7. In the meantime, heat the oven to 375F.
  8. Bake the bread for about 30 minutes until golden brown and the smell of fresh bread takes over your kitchen.
  9. Leave to cool slightly in the pan before removing it and completely before slicing it.


Recipe adapted from Red Star Yeast




Roxana Yawgel http://atreatsaffair.com/ All images and content are copyright protected. Please do not use my images without prior permission. If you want to republish this recipe, please re-write the recipe in your own words, or simply link back to this post for the recipe. Thank you.

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Sending love your way,


*Disclaimer – This post is sponsored by Red Star Yeast. Although I have been compensated for my time, opinions are mine and always will be.

Baking bread? Don’t forget to link your recipe to this month #bakeyourownbread round-up

White sandwich bread recipe (8)

White sandwich bread recipe (2024)


What is white bread made of? ›

White bread typically refers to breads made from wheat flour from which the bran and the germ layers have been removed from the whole wheatberry as part of the flour grinding or milling process, producing a light-colored flour.

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Your Bread Was Not Kneaded Enough

Kneading mixes the dough's ingredients and creates a good gluten structure for the bread. It is one of the trickiest parts of learning to bake bread because it's hard to tell if you've kneaded too much or not enough. Bread that is under-kneaded will have more crumbs.

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Some breads are more nutritious than others. To choose a beneficial bread, you can look for varieties made from 100% whole-grain and/or sprouted-grain flours. Make sure your bread is low in added sweeteners. A few good options include sourdough, rye, flax, and oat breads.

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  • Baguette (France)
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Oct 4, 2023

Which is healthier white bread or brown bread? ›

In terms of calories content, there is not much difference between the two types of bread. When it comes to nutrients, brown bread definitely has more nutrients than white bread. But not all brown breads available in the market are healthy. The manufacturers at times add colour in white bread to make it appear brown.

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As a result, 100% whole wheat bread is usually healthier than white bread, as it contains more fiber, has a higher nutritional value, and may have fewer calories. However, white bread may be a better choice if you have a GI or digestive health condition, as the lower amount of fiber can be easier on your stomach.

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The flour for both is made from wheat berries, which have three nutrient-rich parts: the bran (the outer layers), the germ (the innermost area) and the endosperm (the starchy part in between). Whole wheat is processed to include all three nutritious parts, but white flour uses only the endosperm.

What if I put too much yeast in my bread? ›

This can affect the bread by adding a "yeasty" taste if you put too much into the dough. General amounts of yeast are around 1 - 2 % of the flour, by weight. Too much yeast could cause the dough to go flat by releasing gas before the flour is ready to expand.

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The color indicates the day of the week the bread was baked. Typically, commercial bread is baked and delivered to grocery stores five days a week. This gives bakeries two days off–Wednesdays and Sundays. The color system helps the store staff as they rotate in the freshest bread and remove the older loaves.

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There may be several reasons for a dense, cake like texture in bread. It may indicate the kneading wasn't enough for the gluten to develop properly, or the dough was proved for too short a time or the dough may have been too dry. It is also worth checking the flour you used.

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7 Common Mistakes Made While Making Bread And Why They Need To Be Stopped
  1. Incorrect addition of water. ...
  2. Making a mistake while measuring the ingredients. ...
  3. Putting the salt directly on top of the yeast. ...
  4. Inadequately proofing the bread dough. ...
  5. Facing to cover up the dough at all stages of the process.

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Wetting the dough causes the surface to steam. Covering it traps the moisture. This partnership stops the bread from drying out on the surface in the hot air of the oven and forming a premature crust. Your bread rises more and produces a richer colour, becoming glossy on the surface.

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Milk changes bread recipes by producing a softer loaf, due to the milk fat content, which also gives bread a richer flavor. Bread made with milk browns more easily than bread made with water, as lactose or milk sugar will caramelize as it bakes.

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The best kind of bread for an Italian sub is a soft Italian roll. It's sturdy enough to hold all ingredients but soft enough to provide a satisfying bite.

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1White Bread
3Wholegrain Bread
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French loaves are usually prepared using electric convection deck ovens. This helps create a softer and less chewy texture as compared to Italian bread loaves. It also makes them perfect for sandwiches. If you've never tried a baguette sandwich before, you're missing out!


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