Times Record News from Wichita Falls, Texas (2024)

4391 Want Ad Headquarters WICHITA FALLS RECORD NEWS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1938 9 15-YEAR-OLD GIRL TELLS STORY OF SLAVERY IN OKLAHOMA SHE DESCRIBES DAYS IN HOUSE Officers Doubtful; Rescue By Farm Boy Described GUTHRIE, Dec. 7. (AP)A sordid tale of captivity and white slavery was told here today by a 15-year-old Sterling City, Texas, girl but a Sterling county officer regarded the story lightly. The girl complained to Guthrie police last night she was suffering internal injuries received when she escaped from an upper window of a house where she had been held captive. Acting Police Chief Allen Fields said the girl told him she left home Nov.

11 to see an uncle who lived at Big Spring, Texas, and was walking along the highway when a motorist offered her a ride. The girl said when she got in the automobile, the man drew a gun and forced her to pany him into the country where he stopped and confined her in a trailer. After several days' driving, Fields said she related, the man placed her in a house in some strange city she indicated might Joplin, "Fields said she claimed she induced an "honest farm boy" to help her escape from an upper story window. She said she fell some distance to the ground and walked around in a daze for sevdavs. girl said she believed she was picked up while hitchhiking and remembered arriving at Miami, and then Tulsa, "Her story sticks together," Fields said.

Fields said he had communicated with Sheriff Lee Davis of Sterling county, Texas, but that Davis had treated the case "lightly" and announced the girl's mother would come for her. Big Spring Man to Take Graham Church Music Job Special to The Record News. GRAHAM, Texas, Dec. Ewell Bone of Big Spring has accepted an invitation to come to Graham as director of music and educational work in the First Baptist church. With his wife and two small daughters he will arrive here about Dec.

15 to assume his duties. Bone is a graduate of HardinSimmons university, where he did special work in music. The longest non-stop railway run in the world is made by the "Flying Scotsman," which, during the summer, travels more than 392 miles between London and Edinburgh without a stop. Gly-Cas Responsible For Present Health Mrs. Hill Says It Is the First Medicine Not to Disappoint Her; Years of Poor Health At An End "My entire family joins in praising the merit of Gly-Cas," said Mrs.

Laura L. Hill, 2300 Willow street, Austin, Texas. "For years I had been miserable with muscular aches and pains, and MRS. LAURA L. HILL growing worse each day, I could not sleep, was up at all hours because of frequent bladder action, and was always tired and out.

I lost all desire for food to eat meant suffering afterwards as nothing seemed to agree with me. Poisons clogged my entire system and at times the able pain I endured all body got the best of me until I was almost crippled. For six years I had not been able to walk to town. But all of this WAS soon changed once I gave Gly-Cas the opportunity to help me. "I did not realize such a remarkable medicine was 011 the market," continued Mrs.

Hill. "My entire system was soon toned, body was cleansed of poisonous impurities, stomach and bladder relieved. I now eat and sleep good and enjoy more strength than I have had in year. I just went to town for the first time in six years and walked for three hours without any ill effects whatever. No medicine, in my estimation, can be compared with really gave me results." Gly-Cas is sold by Allison's Drug storeia 710 Indiana avenue, this by the leading drug.

gists in surrounding towns. -Adv. I Reading Your Christmas Suggestions Early? Try These (Abercrombie Fitch, N. HORSE MODELS--A finely detailed statuette, hand painted in natural colors with mane and tail of natural hair, makes nice door stop or mantel decoration at Christmas. PERFECT FOR PUPS -There will be bow-wowing when this Christmas gift is nosed out by a lucky dog.

It's a basket, leather -fitted, with everything a dog needs, from a bone to play with to a towel to roll in after a bath. 1 S. COPR 19 18 NCA SERVICE INC. REG US. PAT OFF SIDE to these statistics, we must be about the only family in the whole country without a car." Walter Winchell (Continued From Page Eight) $40,000 last week-perfectly healthy The District Attorney is readying an investigation which will frighten the hat check girl union biggies.

In the Elysee Monkey Bar girl cracked a co*cktail glass on the neck of a lad she asserted insulted Nice insulting, but nicer glass-breaking. Einstein got $2,000 from Collier's his article. He gave it to a refugee Fred Neher, the cartoonist, who draws those famous babies for The N. Y. Sun and other gazettes, will increase the papa-lation in the Spring.

Some insurance firms have sent I confidential orders stopping the peddling of annuities after Jan. on those issued this month has been cut at least 20 per cent. Dancer Paul Draper's most enchanted audience (at the Sert Room) almost nightly is Heidi Vosseler of "The Boys from Syracuse" show. Heidi waits for him until he's through, Mrs. Ross MacLean (he's the New Yorker canary) wants it known that they are imaging in February.

"Please put us down for a little girl," she writes. The Faye-Tony Martin rumors they don't spend Christmas together -the divorce talk will be One of Hollywood's known comediennes had to be escorted off the Persian Room dance floor because of too much woofle-water A secret investigation of private schools is now under way in N. Y. City chinchilla hat and muff worn by Mrs. Clara Whelan Grey (of the Whelan Drug clan) cost British firm wanting to capitalize on Neville Chamberlain's popularity abroad (as "Savior of asked its workers to suggest a suit- DON'T PROCRASTINATE Have your shoes re-soled before wet weather sets in.

We Cater to Particular People KIRKLAND SHOE SHOP 920 Scott Street SLAYER TO DIE FOR MURDER Court Affirms Conviction For Officer's Death AUSTIN, Dec. 7. (AP)-The court of criminal appeals today affirmed the death penalty assessed Generao Lugo, 26, for conviction of fatally shooting R. T. Chisholm, an Odem constable, Feb.

15, 1938. It rejected all of Lugo's complaints, including one the trial court erred in declining to quash the indictment and special venire panel on grounds of discrimination against the Mexican race of which Lugo was a member. The slaying occurred on the streets of Odem several days after Chisholm had arrested Lugo on to formal charge of confession drunkenness. Lugo said In he a was mad at the officer and was determined that he and Chisholm should kill each other. He said he fired two shots at Chisholm before he fell to the ground and then discharged another shot.

into his prostrate body. able souvenir that could be manfor foreign sales One suggestion was: A British flag Anthony Eden should welcome when he arrives this week. He's the one Foreign Secretary who didn't take Dictation. MAJESTIC Last Day ANN SHIRLEY NAN GREY in "GIRL'S SCHOOL" AN A A A CHRISTMAS TREES All Sizes 35c to $7.50 CHRISTMAS WREATHS DECORATIONS! Phone 7333 and 7334 MORGAN FLORAL CO. 925 Scott and 716 Tenth EN ANSON SHOWS BEGIN TODAY Poultry, Quilt and Antique Entries Received Special to The Record News.

ANSON, Texas, Dec. have already been received for both the fifth annual Jones county poultry show and the quilt and antique show, both to be held here Dec. 8, 9, and 10. The poultry show, including the club boys' diyision, will be held in brick building just south of the Anson Motor company while the quilt and antique show will be held one block further south in the Woman's club building. The Woman's club is handling this part of the show while the chamber of commerce is sponsoring both shows.

Mrs. W. A. Wyche is president of the Woman's club. In the quilt and antique show there are the following divisions: Quilts, bedspreads, embroidery, knitted suits, water color drawings, pencil drawings, curios and antiques.

In the poultry show 500 entries are expected. Show officials are J. W. Pritchett, superintendent; Herman Propst, assistant superintendent; Triplett, secretarytreasurer. Raymond C.

Lee of Waco will judge the show. County Agent Floyd Lynch is superintendent of the 4-H club boys' division. PWA to Rescind Grants on Works Inactive on Jan. WASHINGTON, Dec. 7.

(AP)Officials of the public works administration said today it would rescind all grants for projects not underway by Jan. "PWA has no option in the matter," one official said. "The law under the 1938 spending and lending program was carried out makes it mandatory that work be started on all projects by the first of the year." A delegation of Houston, Texas, officials had appealed to PWA for additional time in which to get several federally financed projects in that city under contract. NEA NEW AND SMART The transparent container, filled with colorful cotton powder puffs, is what some hostess would like for her guest room at Christmas. At right is a section of a luxurious bath towel, showing new, ripple weave.

1 A a ORO (From Lord and Taylor, N. BOUDOIR ENSEMBLE This lovely lamp whose shade of pale blue satin falls in soft folds and a de luxe wool, blanket would make any woman's SCHOOL WORK Restless (Continued From Page Eight) BID DATE SET added though eagerly, ignorant of "I'll the do reason, anything. she Surely there must be something I can do. "I can manage with a New High School at Gra- very little." The Same ham to Cost $174,000 "If I hire you I shall pay you Special to The Record News. the same as the other girls," he GRAHAM, Texas, Dec.

stated. Contract for the erection of a new high school building is to be let 'by the Graham school board on Dec. 15. Actual work on the building is expected to be started by Dec. 22.

N. G. Clarkson Son, Fort Worth architects, have completed plans for the building which is to be a modern, two-story brick, concrete, steel structure. Contracts are to be awarded to cover all general construction, plumbing, heating and electrical work. According to the advertisem*nt for bids the contract price must not exceed $174,000 and must be based on the minimum wage scale.

The Graham independent school district voted $110,000 in bonds to be supplemented by a grant of $90,000 from the federal government to provide funds for the high school building and improvements to be made on the grade school buildings, Hall County Farmer Buys Improved Cattle Special to The Record News. MEMPHIS. Texas, Dec. Williams, stock farmer of Parnell has recently added to his dairy herd four Jersey heifers from Oak Hill farm, Brookhaven, Miss. These cattle are descended from registered milk strain Jerseys and will enhance the output and value of dairy products from the Williams model stock farm.

This brings the total number of imported Jerseys, male and female to more than 40 by stock farmers of the county during the present year. The London zoo, in 1926, exhibited an albino elephant from Burma. "Oh, Mr. Jamieson, then you will?" Her eyes were like stars. He was a fool and an idiot.

His vacation had unfitted him for meeting the ordinary problems of the business world. To hire a girl merely because her smile twisted your heart; because you couldn't bear the thought of other men making unwelcome advances to The rest of his staff would think he had lost his mind. All right! Let them. Whose office was it? "I'll to talk it over with Mr. Matson," he told her, but he could see that she knew her battle was won.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Jamieson! Shall I wait outside?" "Yes," he said. Like a Queen She walked like a queen. Never in his life had he seen such innocence and beauty combined. It would be like keeping a rare painting close to him so that he could look at it when he became tired bored.

He must be getting old to feel this way about a slip of a girl half his age. But it was too late now. The damage had been done the moment she stepped into his room. He said to Arthur Matson, "There's a girl outside who must be given a job. At the usual wages.

And don't ask me what she is to do, find something!" was the first time in his business career he had made such a request. No wonder the office manager stared at him. (Continued in Friday's Issue) A large plant in Lancaster, introduced embossed inlaid linoleum for the first time in 1925. Americans and French Girl Drink Toast in Air and Cheat Waiting Death LONDON, Dec. 7.

(AP) Two Americans and a Frenchwoman drank a champagne toast "to life" in London's cold morning mist today to celebrate their safe landing from a disabled cross channel plane. They were Frances Maddux, Broadway night club girl; J. A. Celler, listed by Imperial Airways as a New Haven, business man, and Chagnon of Paris. Late yesterday the plane with 13 passengers circled Croydon airport unable to land because the under-carriage stuck.

While the mechanic ripped up -boards in a frantic fight to loosen the wheels, someone in the TAXI 7373 YELLOW CAB COMPANY The Texan 724 Indiana -LAST DAY Matinee 10c-15c-Night 10c-20c ERROR, "GREEN FLYNN, ANITA LIGHT" LOUISE in POPEYE, SPORTS, MUSICAL ROXY 1523 6:45 Monroe P. M. LAST 25c DAY RALPH FORBES and ALICE MOORE in Against the World' NEWS and COMEDY COUPON This coupon good for one admission with one paid adult admission each Wed. and Thurs. STRAND -NOWBOB HOPE Shirley Ross for the Memory" Also EDGAR KENNEDY COMEDY Weather Bureau Reports Moisture Insufficient WASHINGTON, Dec.

7. (P)- (From Hammacher Schlemmer, New York.) NICE CHRISTMAS GIFTSLeather cigaret boxes in the shape of apples, onions, and an eggplant and snail-shaped bookends in dark green leather. CHILDRESS WPA WORK STARTED Gym, Courthouse Jobs Cost About $270,000 Special to The Record News. CHILDRESS, Texas, Dec. Work was in full swing Wednesday on two major PWA projects in Childress, construction of a 000 courthouse and a $45,000 high school gymnasium.

Excavation for the basem*nt of the courthouse was started Tuesday afternoon when repairs to a mechanical shovel, damaged en route here from Amarillo, were completed. Other materials and equipment were being moved to the site. Work on the foundation of the gymnasium was will also be started located Tuesgym on the northwest side of the high school campus. Childress Civil Docket To Be Light in January Special to The Record News. CHILDRESS, Texas, Dec.

Prospects are for a light docket matters at the January term of district court here, according to Stansell Clement, district clerk. A dozen divorce suits and a few minor civil cases are all that have been filed. The criminal docket is likely to be heavy as more than 25 ch have already been filed for submission to the grand jury. State Deaths MRS. PEARL SEXTON lington.

JOHN HARVEY ODAM Special to The Record News. Special to The Record News. CHILDRESS, Texas, Dec. Funeral services were conducted here Wednesday for Mrs. Pearl Sexton, 59, who died of a heart attack in Pampa Monday.

The rites were directed by Elder John G. Reese of the Church of Christ. Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. L. E.

Holtman of Childress and Mrs. Courtwright of Albuquerque, N. five brothers, Lon Hassell, E. J. Hassell, and Hugh Hassell, all of Childress; George Hassell of Wagner, and Horace Hassell of Loco; and a sister, Mrs.

Daisy Terry of Wel- FLOYDADA, Texas, Dec. Funeral services were conducted Sunday for John Harvey Odam, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C.

Odam, at the Lakeview Baptist church, by Rev. Vernon Shaw, Floydada Baptist church pastor. Interment was in the Lakeview cemetery. GEORGS W. PATTON Special to The Record News.

FLOYDADA, Texas, Dec. Funeral services were held at the F. C. Harmon Funeral home for George Washington Patton, 63, by Rev. J.

E. Eldridge, pastor of the First Methodist church. Interment was in the Floydada cemetery. Survivors include his wife, four sons, Henry Clay Patton, Floydada, William Embry Patton, Paducah; O. Patton, San Antonio; Lonnie Lee Patton, Roaring Springs; five daughters, Mrs.

G. T. Walker, Horatio, Mrs. L. Hawkins, Tyler; Mrs.

Eva Fross, Floydada; Mrs. H. P. Rice and Mrs. R.

G. Lynch, both of Paducah, one brother, J. T. Patton, Clovis, one sister, Mrs. Oscar Kelly, Crocket.

J. H. SCOTT SP Special to The Record News. HOLLIS, Dec. rites were held in the Dodson Christian church this week for J.

H. Scott, 71, one of the most prominent pioneers of this section. Survivors are the widow and three sons, Ray, Tom and Hillard, of Dodson. Burial was at the Dodson cemetery. The Booterie.

716 Indiana. Good shoes makes happy feet. Sale I prices Adv. Light Up for Christmas Contest Director, Light Up for Christmas Contest Chamber of Commerce, Wichita Falls, Texas. Please enter: NAME Street Address in the Light Up for Christmas Contest.

The value of the equipment the lighting display is approximately (This figure is needed in order to divide contestants into the proper groups). Signature The weather bureau reported today that, in the great plains region, moisture conditions, continued unsatisfactory fallsown winter wheat crop. In Texas, with the exception of the Panhandle region, in Oklahoma and the western halves of Kansas and Nebraska, moisture was said to be badly needed. select your XMAS CARDS now! LOVELACE BOOK DA STORE, a to You need A WILL $1.00 WEEK DO! CASH! Rid yourself of headaches and eyestrain. Wear scientifically processed glasses.

At Beck's you can buy GLASSES $5.00 BECK OPTICAL Opposite 605 EIGHTH ST. Open Sat. Night Holt Hotel Till 9:00 o'Clock plane brought out a bottle of champagne for a toast: "Well, if it comes, it comes." Thirty minutes later the undercarriage was lowered and the plane lapded safely. GEM Today All 10c Day 15c Only GENE AUTRY SUSANNAH" SMILEY BURNETT Light Crust Doughboys "How to Raise a Baby" Robt. Benchley "Czechoslavakia on Parade" STATE STARTS SUNDAY Midnight Show Saturday WALT DISNEY'S Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs HE MARVELOUS MULTIPLANE TECHNICOLOR Regular Prices STATE 20c Till 5 p.

-Nights 25c LAST DAY! LLOYD NOLAN SHIRLEY ROSS FARM" Musical--Pictorial STARTS FRIDAY! Life in with the a thrill West of the 80's! LAW CAREY WEST OF TIM EVELYN HOLT BRENT JEAN ROUVEROL TOMBSTONE' RKO Radio KOLE Picture TOMORROW (FRIDAY) Call 6311 for Feature Times FLYING UNAFRAID! MEN WITH WINGS America's Mighty Cavalcade of Aviation! The breathless story of men who risk their lives in the skyways and women who wait on the ground for their return! Technicolor FRED McMURRAY RAY MILLAND LOUISE CAMPBELL ANDY DEVINE LYNN OVERMAN MAJESTICI.

Times Record News from Wichita Falls, Texas (2024)


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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.