Vintage Recipe: Warm Fudgy Pudding Cake (2024)

  • Recipes
  • Desserts
  • Cakes

Emma Christensen

Emma Christensen

Emma is a former editor for The Kitchn and a graduate of the Cambridge School for Culinary Arts. She is the author of True Brews and Brew Better Beer. Check out her website for more cooking stories

updated Jan 21, 2020

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Vintage Recipe: Warm Fudgy Pudding Cake (1)

Serves6 to 8

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Vintage Recipe: Warm Fudgy Pudding Cake (2)

This is not the demure individually-portioned dessert served in restaurants with white tablecloths. No, ma’am. According to my mother, my grandma would make this for the kids when a special treat was merited. This messy, sticky, cocoa-rich affair is more like a self-saucing brownie than anything else. And like all such things, it’s best served warm and with a generous scoop of vanilla ice cream.

In the copy of Favorite Recipes from First United Methodist Church of Stillwater, Minnesota that has been passed down to me, the recipe for “Chocolate Cake Pudding” by Shirley Nelson is circled in bold blue ink. As is the next recipe for “Chocolate Goo” from Judy Powell. And the one for “Fudge Pudding Cake” from Doris LaVayea. The recipes are very similar, differing only slightly in ingredients and in the use of either COLD! or BOILING! water.

In a quick phone consultation with my mother, she laughed and admitted that she had no idea which of these venerable church ladies’ recipes my grandma followed, though she’s absolutely sure it used cold water. My mother also remembers sometimes adding a handful of toasted nuts or fresh berries to the batter. They get trapped below the cake layer, becoming hidden treasures for the lucky dessert recipient.

In pulling together my own version of this vintage recipe, I simply channeled Grandma Dola. What would Grandma do? Add more cocoa powder, surely. And Grandma would definitely support the pat of butter with the milk. And cold water, if for no other reason than it’s quicker than boiling it.

Even channelling Grandma, this recipe still takes a leap of faith. The cake batter is spread into the pan and a layer of mixed sugars and cocoa powder goes on top. Over everything, you pour one cup of water. No more stirring. No more mixing. Into the oven it goes. The cake rises to the top while a thick pudding forms below.

The resulting warm, fudgy, gooey dessert is just perfect. So perfect that it’s difficult to stop oneself from “cleaning up the edges” until one has consumed a whole second square of cake. These things happen.

Quick and easy to pull together, this cake is definitely going into my regular line-up. Thanks, Grandma. I owe you one.


Serves 6 to 8

Nutritional Info


For the cake:

  • 1 cup

    (5 ounces) all-purpose flour

  • 3/4 cup

    (6 ounces) white sugar

  • 2 tablespoons

    unsweetened cocoa powder

  • 2 teaspoons

    baking powder

  • 1/2 teaspon

    table salt

  • 1/2 cup

    (4 ounces) milk, whole or 2%

  • 2 tablespoons

    unsalted butter, melted

  • 1 teaspoon


For the pudding:

  • 1/2 cup

    (4 ounces) white sugar

  • 1/2 cup

    (4 ounces) brown sugar

  • 1/4 cup

    (2 ounces) unsweetened cocoa powder

  • 1 cup

    (8 ounces) cold water

For serving:

  • Vanilla ice cream, optional


  1. Heat the oven to 375°F. Grease or spray with non-stick cooking spray an 8"x"8 baking pan.

  2. Sift the flour, sugar, cocoa powder, baking powder, and salt through a fine-meshed strainer into a mixing bowl. Combine the milk, melted butter, and vanilla. Pour the liquids over the dry ingredients, and stir gently with a spatula just until no more dry flour is visible. Scrape this batter into the pan and smooth the top.

  3. For the pudding layer, combine the white sugar, brown sugar, and cocoa powder in a small bowl. Pour over the cake batter and shake the pan to evenly distribute the sugars.

  4. Pour the cold water over the sugars. Do not stir. Put the pan immediately into the oven and bake for 40 to 45 minutes. As it bakes, the cake will rise to the top while the pudding forms beneath. The cake is finished baking when the edges of the cake turn dark brown and crispy, and when the top of the cake is shiny and dry to the touch.

  5. Let the cake cool for at least 15 minutes before serving. Scoop slices of cake and the pudding beneath into individual bowls and top with ice cream. Leftovers will keep refrigerated for up to a week and can be reheated for 20 seconds in the microwave.

Recipe Notes

For an extra-special treat, try adding a cup of toasted nuts, diced fresh fruit or berries, chocolate chips, or peanut butter chips to the batter.

Filed in:

baked goods






Vintage Recipe: Warm Fudgy Pudding Cake (2024)


What is Alabama fudge cake? ›

A deliciously moist rich chocolate cake filled and covered with chocolate fudge icing before being hand decorated with a spiral swirl design.

Can you warm up fudge cake? ›

Fudge Cake Reheating Instructions

To reheat, place it in the microwave and heat in bursts. It can also be reheated from frozen. If you're not fussed about it being reheated, it can be eaten cold, but I recommend at least warming it a little so that the chocolate sauce can loosen up.

What does adding instant pudding to cake mix do? ›

Add Instant Pudding

Then, add the wet ingredients and bake the cake as directed. It'll be so moist and the pudding will give it a big flavor boost.

Should pudding cake be refrigerated? ›

STORAGE: Cooked pudding cake, once cooled down, can be stored in the refrigerator, covered tightly with plastic wrap, for up to 3 days. Reheat in microwave. FREEZING: Place cake in a freezer friendly container, and store in the freezer for up to 1-2 months. Thaw overnight in the refrigerator then reheat as directed.

What is German fudge cake? ›

The German Fudge Cake is a chocolate lover's dream. It is made with layers of chocolate sponge cake, filled and frosted with creamy chocolate fudge, and topped with crunchy walnuts. It is a cake that will melt in your mouth and make you feel like you are in heaven.

What is a Jake cake? ›

A favorite from many years ago, named after Amy's son Jake. It's a pillowy, heavenly angel food cake made with fresh egg whites, cane sugar, a little flour, and lots of vanilla extract and beans.

Does hot fudge cake need to be refrigerated? ›

You only need to refrigerate cakea that have a very perishable frosting or filling (such as whipped cream). The exception is if the climate is very hot, as high temperatures can cause the frosting to spoil. If the cake is frosted then the frosting will help to keep the cake part fresh.

Can you eat fudge cake cold? ›

Very nice chocolate fudge cake and tastes nice either cold on its own or warm with either custard or a couple of scoops of ice cream. Kids can't get enough of it especially warm with ice cream.

How do you keep hot fudge warm for a party? ›

Once Your Guests Arrive

The host should heat up each hot fudge individually so that when they are tried they are still hot. Scoop a bit out of the jars into a smaller cup and heat it on the microwave on 20-50% power in 10-15 second increments. And constantly turn it once it's out of the microwave to keep it liquidy.

What does adding an extra egg do to a cake mix? ›

Because eggs help build the cake's structure (don't use them and you're looking at a gooey mess), adding an extra egg yolk makes the cake batter denser. Translation: you'll have a moister confection. Conversely, she suggests an extra egg white for a fluffier cake.

Why did my cake turn into a pudding? ›

Insufficient creaming of sugar and eggs will also make a tight texture because there isn't enough air trapped in the mix to give it a lift. Adding too much liquid will make it dense and pudding like. Genoise sponge will become heavy if the melted butter is too hot when added and if it is not folded in evenly.

How long is a pudding cake good for? ›

Chocolate Pudding Cake needs to be stored in the fridge. Store slices in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 5 days.

What is the difference between pudding cake and normal cake? ›

Cake and pudding are both desserts, but they differ in texture and preparation. Cake is a baked sweet dish with a spongy or dense consistency, often made from flour, sugar, eggs, and butter. Pudding, on the other hand, can refer to a variety of soft, creamy, or dense desserts.

Can you eat week old refrigerated cake? ›

“You'll want to store a cake in the fridge with plastic wrap against the cut part (of the cake) to prevent the cake from drying out,” says Edwards, adding that store-bought cakes may last longer in the fridge, but homemade cakes should typically be consumed in five to seven days.

What's the difference between fudge cake and regular cake? ›

Fudge cake packs a thicker, denser cake layer, a velvet departure from the more delicate, fluffy cake layers found in a chocolate cake. Think of the textural difference between a block of fudge and a block of chocolate. The chocolate melts in your mouth, while the fudge lingers with every chewy bite.

What is the official dessert of Alabama? ›

Lane cake, also known as prize cake, is a four-layer white cake with a bourbon-spiked raisin filling that originated in the American South. It's the official state cake of Alabama.

What is the most popular cake in Alabama? ›

ALABAMA – Red Velvet Cake

True red velvet cake is red because of a chemical reaction between cocoa powder and acidic buttermilk, but a dash of red food coloring makes the vibrant cake pop.

What is the Alabama signature dessert? ›

Alabama: Lane Cake

If you've ever enjoyed a slice of Lane cake, a layer cake featuring pecans, raisins, cherries and coconut, then you can thank Emma Rylander Lane for creating this delicious dessert.


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